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George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)  Shaw was born in Dublin of Protestant Irish stock. His mother was a talented amateur singer; his father was a corn trader. His education was irregular, due to his dislike of any organized training. After working in an estate agent's office for a while he moved to London as a young man (1876), where he established himself as a leading music and theatre critic.
From 1879-1903, Shaw was a councillor for the London borough of St Pancras, getting practical experience of social problems in local government. All his life he remained interested in questions of social reform.
In 1884, he joined the Fabian Society where he met Sidney Webb and joined him in his attempt to make socialism respectable. Shaw became famous as a socialist agitator, speaking publicly (and for no fee) all over London, once or twice a week for the next 12 years.
He began his literary career as a novelist; as a fervent advocate of the new theatre of Ibsen (The Quintessence of Ibsenism, 1891) he decided to write plays in order to illustrate his criticism of the English stage. His earliest dramas were called appropriately Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant (1898). Shaw's radical rationalism, his utter disregard of conventions, his keen dialectic interest and verbal wit often turn the stage into a forum of ideas. He wrote lengthy stage directions and character descriptions, more in the style of a novel than a play, as they were read - and admired - but deemed unsuitable for stage performance. Only in the Twenties they began to be accepted and appreciated by the public.
It is a combination of the dramatic, the comic, and the social corrective that gives Shaw's comedies their special flavour. In the plays of his later period discussion sometimes drowns the drama, in Back to Methuselah (1921), although in the same period he worked on his masterpiece Saint Joan (1923), in which he rewrites the well-known story of the French maiden and extends it from the Middle Ages to the present.
Other important plays by Shaw are Caesar and Cleopatra (1901), a historical play filled with allusions to modern times, and Androcles and the Lion (1912), in which he exercised a kind of retrospective history and from modern movements drew deductions for the Christian era. In Major Barbara (1905), one of Shaw's most successful «discussion» plays, the audience's attention is held by the power of the witty argumentation that man can achieve aesthetic salvation only through political activity, not as an individual. The Doctor's Dilemma (1906), facetiously classified as a tragedy by Shaw, is really a comedy the humour of which is directed at the medical profession. Candida (1898), with social attitudes toward sex relations as objects of his satire, and Pygmalion (1912), a witty study of phonetics as well as a clever treatment of middle-class morality and class distinction, proved some of Shaw's greatest successes on the stage. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honour but refused the money.
Shaw's complete works appeared in thirty-six volumes between 1930 and 1950, the year of his death. He died at the age of 94, whilst pruning an apple tree.

de sicur so mat: però, se el so mja, né j oter I garès de eser liber
el creder che el fedel el sabes piò cuntet de l\'ateo l\'è \'na bosa, cumpagn de crdì che chi l\'è cioc l\'è piò cuntet de chel che el ga mja biit
el patriotismo l\'è creder che el to paez l\'è mej di oter perché te ta set nasit lé
en om l\'è tat piò rispetabile quangg de piò j\'è i laur che i geh fa ergogna
en pol mja cunsumà la felicità sensa mja produzin, isè come en pol mja doprà le risorse sensa mja fan de le otre
gó dèsmitit dé studà sul quand che so ‘ndat a scöla
Hegel el ghera resù quand che el disia che da la storia en empara che l\'om da la storia l\'empara nient
i laur che la zet la ol saì de piò j\'è de solit chej che la riguarda mja
la democrasia la tol vjà l\'lelsiù fada de tagg gnoranti al laurà dat via de poc coroti
la libertà l\'è responsabilità: l\'è chesto che el spaenta
la storia d\'amur ideal la se fa per posta
lasarif che la pora de eser poaregg la ve comande e alura mangiarfi, ma vivarif mja
l\'amur piò sincero l\'è chel per el mangià
l\'art de fa uservasiù gioste la se dis cinisomo da chej che j\'è mja bù
l\'è periculus ser sinceri, salvo el se sabes pò ac stupegg
l\'Inghiltera e l\'America i è dò nasiù divise da la stesa lengua
nisù che el sabes prope bé \'na lengua, el pol parlàn bé inotra
quand che do persune le se troa sota la piò forta, la piò mata e la piò debula de le pasù ghe se dumanda de giuà de rimanì en chel laur fadigus, cioc e strambo per tot la eda fino a che la riarà la mort
quand che \'n om el copa \'na tigher, i la ciama sport; quand che \'na tugher la copoa l\'om, i la ciama ferocia
serca mja de camp per sèmper; ta ga rieret mai
spèta mja el momènt giost: fal sò te
\'n om studiàt l\'è giù che el copa el tep so i léber